Ways To Begin Facing Your Challenges
Eye-opening Lessons from Maid in Malacañang
1. As the story revolved around the family, the central character of the story teaches us lessons to think in any situation, Plan ahead. And have a backup plan.
Self-Belief and planning in life will help one be capable of anything. Even in shaking situations, we stay calm and focus on special matters. We can lessen losing one’s mind in the trickiest situation.
Mistakes and pressure in life are inevitable;
Also, Always have the end goal in mind and planning is the key. We can relate to some of the best scenes in this movie. But most of the time, stepping back to come up with a good plan yields the best results.
2. Must not have cluttered emotions. Focus on what is important. What matters to you? LOVE, there are so many ground rules in this life. It’s just like rules we all must follow in our school, office, and in our house. Empathy and wisdom. The more we endure in life – the more we can relate to and understand why others do what they do. Why do they do it to other people? When we cross these kinds of people, we know we can empathize with them. The more we learn, the more we can relate to and understands other people’s actions.
3. Win or lose, choose the right mentors in your life. They might save you. Sometimes what we cannot calculate they can show us how is the fact that they have this ‘big experience’.
No one in this world is useless in our life. We can learn something from someone. Even if they are considered ‘worthless’, sometimes, somehow there are lessons.
4. Money is not everything. Yes, it can buy almost everything but not eternal happiness. A life centered with Heavenly Father and with good people around is one that is worth living.
In our hearts, there are two wolves. They are both hungry – one wolf is angry and evil, and the other wolf is filled with love. Chose only one to feed.
Ways To Keep You On Track
Do these habitually and find yourself centered as you continue to face more difficult situations.
1. Find your Purpose in Life. Our future relies on the decision we made and the direction we chose. Every misstep can lead us to deeper heartbreaks. It’s impossible to live a life without a problem. What matters most is the ability to correct our mistakes, forgive others and ourselves, and pray for them. Have strong willpower to change for the better and remember the greater purpose of your life.
Beyond financial independence and retirement goals, we should strive to search for our deeper purpose in life, or ikigai – that motivating force that gives us a reason for living and keeps us grounded and going even without monetary gains in our life.
2. Give yourself the right motivation. These are some of the important lessons that we have caught up in the movie.
Never Give Up. This outlook in life will take us ahead in our life because not all people have shining determination.
Take care of yourself, because no one else can do it as well as you can, not everyone is lucky to have people who will care enough for you. We have a great purpose in this world.
Always Give Your Best. In this life, most of the time we still try to understand what we are fighting for in this life, and in the end, you will realize what matters most is the Present moment only.
Love is always a good reason. There is so much blessing abounds if we know to love other people, regardless.
The kindness you show to others will always find a way of coming back to you
And Life can shine even in its final moments.
3. Choose to be kind. Life is like the Game of Chess. There are so many classes and books now available about self – help but life teaches how to be a good person.
Some of us change according to what life dictates. And revenge is the only way for them, but they never think this will put them down alone only. If you believe you have outsmarted someone, you never know when life will get back to you…the harder one.
Prayer and writing sometimes are better than arguing.
A wholehearted prayer always helps and writing in your diary will lessen that emotional load + having coffee with a good friend.
Living life ‘now’ is more important than being judgmental of others’ lives. Greater wisdom can be found only if our heart and the brain are coherent.
Everyone in life is going through different issues. If we could all just understand and love accordingly, this world would be a better place.
Don’t change your nature just because someone has hurt you. Don’t lose your goodness of mind but forgive and be more prayerful.
Take these lessons with you, and live a good life!
God Is Good All the Time!
Also a good read!
A Devotional for having a Grateful Heart
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2021: 5 Life Lessons We Can Get From Hidlyn Diaz

A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Peace and love to you.