The Happiness Advantage provides a good message about how we may improve our emotional well-being right now; it gives practical advice for organizations, is well-written, and is filled with intriguing research references.
Author Profile

Shawn Achor is a highly regarded American author and speaker recognized for promoting positive psychology. He wrote the book “The Happiness Advantage” and established GoodThink, Inc. The Happiness Advantage training program he offers is widely recognized as one of the most successful corporate training programs globally. Furthermore, this individual is recognized as a prominent authority on the correlation among happiness, achievement, and capability. His study on attitude was prominently showcased on the front page of Harvard Business Review, and his TED talk has amassed an impressive 16 million views, solidifying its status as one of the most widely viewed presentations in history.
10 Lessons from “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor
1. Happiness Fuels Success, Not the Other Way Around: Contrary to popular belief, Achor argues that happiness doesn’t simply follow achievements; it actually precedes and facilitates them. A positive mindset boosts creativity, productivity, and resilience, leading to better outcomes in all areas of life.
2. Rethink Your “Positive Ratio”: Achor introduces the concept of the “Positive Ratio,” which refers to the number of positive thoughts to negative thoughts you have on average. Cultivating a positive bias by actively focusing on positive experiences, practicing gratitude, and visualizing success can dramatically shift your ratio and unlock the Happiness Advantage.
3. Train Your Brain for Positivity: Just like physical training, you can train your brain for positivity. Simple daily practices like meditation, mindfulness exercises, and acts of kindness can help rewire your neural pathways and create a more resilient and optimistic outlook.
4. The 20-Second Happiness Elevator: Negativity can quickly spiral, but so can positivity. Achor suggests the “20-Second Happiness Elevator”: spend 20 seconds visualizing a positive outcome or past success to break the cycle of negativity and boost your mood.
5. Small Wins Matter: Don’t wait for grand achievements to celebrate. Focusing on and celebrating small wins along the way keeps you motivated, builds confidence, and reinforces positive behaviors.
6. Optimism is Contagious: Your positivity is a gift to others. By radiating optimism and celebrating the successes of others, you create a ripple effect of happiness in your environment.
7. It’s All About “Flow: Finding activities that put you in a state of “flow” – focused, effortless engagement – is crucial for boosting happiness and performance. Whether it’s creative pursuits, physical exercise, or meaningful work, identify your flow activities and make them a priority.
8. Happiness is a Choice: While circumstances can influence your mood, ultimately, happiness is a choice. Achor reminds us that we have the power to choose how we respond to challenges and cultivate a positive perspective, even in difficult times.
9. The Future is a Gift: Shifting your focus from dwelling on the past or worrying about the future to fully embracing the present moment unlocks a wealth of joy and opportunity. Live in the now, appreciate the journey, and trust that good things are coming.
10. Remember, Happiness is a Skill: Just like any other skill, happiness takes practice and effort. By incorporating these lessons into your daily life and consistently prioritizing positivity, you can cultivate the Happiness Advantage and live a more fulfilling, successful, and joyful life.
My Thoughts
“The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor delivers a compelling message on enhancing emotional well-being immediately. The book offers practical advice for organizations, is well-written, and packed with intriguing research references. Achor’s seven principles of positive psychology are designed to fuel success and performance at work, making it a valuable resource for personal and professional growth. The practical insights and actionable strategies can help individuals and organizations foster a more positive and productive environment.

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