Nenelyn M. Agasang, a triumphant TSOK (Teachers Specialists in Kuwait) board passer, shares her journey of preparing for and conquering the SPLE.
Here’s an up close and personal interview with Nenelyn M. Agasang:
How do you feel about receiving the news that you passed the board exam?
She was initially shocked and thought it might be fake news. After verifying the information, she felt incredible elation and described the feeling as being on top of the world.
Have you received such recognition before? Please give details.
Yes, she received recognition in her previous job, being honored as the Guest Expert of the Year in 2015 and awarded Star of the Month.
What is your job here in Kuwait? How long have you been OFW?
She works as a Teaching Assistant at Future Bilingual School in Faheel, Kuwait, and has been an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) for 14 years.
Who do you attribute your success to?
She attributes her success to maintaining a positive attitude, emphasizing its role in coping with stress and fostering gratitude.
Who has inspired you to take up SPLE?
Her family, particularly her parents, served as the primary inspiration for taking the exam.
What were the reactions of your family to this board’s passing?
She found it challenging to describe her parents’ feelings but noted the pride reflected in their eyes.
To what extent was TSOK helpful in your success story?
TSOK played a crucial role, and she expressed doubt about achieving success without their assistance.
What is your plan for the future or your dream after passing this exam?
Her plan is to earn a certificate demonstrating knowledge and commitment to her field.
Is this your first licensure exam? Do you plan on taking other exams, and what would it be?
This is not her first licensure exam, and she may consider pursuing a Master’s degree in the future.
What message would you like to give to the upcoming board exam taker?
She recommends dedicating time to reading and answering LET questions, utilizing online resources, and keeping God at the center of one’s life.
How did you know about the SPLE?
She learned about the it through Facebook.
When did you decide to apply: after graduation or after finding a job? Why?
Initially, she decided to take the exam after graduation. However, after finding a job, she got caught up in work and only decided to retake the exam after nearly 12 years.
What did you expect from the SPLE regarding the content of the exam? How different is it from college entrance exams?
She anticipated the exam to be different from previous exams, highlighting the absence of entrance exams during her school days.
What questions were easy to answer (e.g., solving, logical reasoning, abstract reasoning)?
She found none of the questions to be easy but focused her preparation on logical reasoning.
Did you attend a review center? Which review center? (a.) If yes, how did it affect your preparation for the SPLE? (b.) If not, how did you prepare for the exam in terms of resources and review materials?
No review center attendance; instead, she relied on online resources and had a personal reviewer.
How many of the things you reviewed appeared in the exam?
She couldn’t recall specific details regarding the appearance of reviewed material in the exam.
How many weeks or months did you prepare for the exam?
I dedicated three months to my exam preparation.
How much did preparing for the exam cost you? Is it worth it?
In total, I estimate that it cost me 43 Kuwaiti Dinars (KD). I believe it was a worthwhile investment.
Do you have a daily study routine? (a.) If yes, what is your daily routine, especially the specific time you study? (b.) If not, how did you manage your time, especially for reviewing?
Yes, she allocated at least 30 minutes to 1 hour daily for reading and answering LET questions.
How did you balance your work and review? How did you manage your time?
Efficient time budgeting was essential for balancing work and exam preparation.
How did the SPLE affect your time with family and work?
The exam didn’t significantly impact her time with her family and work. She always made time for her family.
Did you have any strategies in studying for the exam that helped you understand your notes better?
She avoided pressuring herself to memorize concepts instantly, focusing on writing them down and conducting her own online research.
What difficulties did you face in preparing for the exam? How did you better remember complex terms and lessons? Did you improve your memory in any way?
Mathematics posed a challenge, and she used mnemonic techniques to overcome difficulties.
How stressed were you in preparing for the exam? How did you manage your stress?
She experienced high stress levels but felt guided by God, learning to confidently entrust the exam to Him.
Have you procrastinated on your review? How did you manage procrastination? How did you motivate yourself?
Before starting my review, I always sought wisdom and knowledge through prayer.
How important is preparing for the SPLE (or other exams)? Can you say that you are well prepared? How so?
Preparation is exceptionally important for the exam. I am confident that I was thoroughly prepared for the exam.
How did you act during the exam? What were your thoughts during the exam?
She experienced a fever during the exam, leading to concerns about incomplete answers. However, she trusted in God’s goodness.
Where did you gain the strength that helped you pass the exam?
Strength was derived from her family and faith in the Lord Jesus.
Did you search for and use guides and tips in your preparation? How effective were they?
Yes, she actively used various resources and believed in doing her best while trusting God for the rest.
How did passing the exam benefit you in terms of your work, your life, your family, and yourself?
For me, passing the exam is the greatest fulfillment.
Here’s the full list of passers:
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A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Credits: Acknowledging TSOK’s Pioneering Advocacy, Credibility and Empowerment
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Peace and love to you.