It is a given fact that we all have something we are passionate about, something that is far different from our daytime job. We want to feed that passion and share it with many.
![10 things that a beginner blogger will find useful. [photo: becomeablogger(.)com])](
Let’s say a Registered Nurse finds baking cookies relaxing even after working long hours in the emergency room. The thing is, her cookies recipes use healthy ingredients and she wants to write about it. She wants to start her own healthy cookies blog.
For beginner bloggers, here are some things you need to know before starting your own blog.
1. Start a self-hosted WordPress blog.
There are many free hosting for beginner bloggers and none cost anything at all. But these limit your choice of ownership, theme and branding. When you finally have the budget to migrate your blog to your own host, you will see what a hassle it could be. The best option still will be to self – host your blog after considering your budget for it.
2. Always use your best photos in each blog you write.
Online audience are always more interested when a blog post has a really good photo to accompany it. Whether you are using a phone, another gadget or a camera in taking your photos, make sure that they “speak” what you want to say.
3. Be positively active in social media.
Make sure that you take very good care of your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, among others, accounts. It won’t hurt to update regularly, like and comment on your friends’ posts, most especially if these are inspiring, positive, informative or simply feel good. Be responsive to messages you receive as well.
4. Content is very important.
You may write a short but concise content in each blog for as long as your are able to deliver your message to your readers. You may also write a long content just make sure that you are not being redundant or boring because if this will be the case, your readers would eventually lose interest and unfollow your blog.
6. Spend on either advertisement or a contest.
There is a lot of competition out there and if you want your blog to shine – do some advertising or sponsor a contest. This will earn you added interest from readers. A sponsored post on Facebook doesn’t cost much and it will most likely get many shares as possible, from your friends list and friends of friends.
7. Connect with big blogs of your chosen niche, quite earlier.
It is definite that before you even wanted to write your own blog, you always had someone or some bloggers you take as your model or inspiration. Follow them on social media, make them feel your presence even in the slightest way possible – until they will know about you too. It is not just about making blogger – friends, but genuine friends that go even beyond blogging.
8. Be open to find Virtual Assistants.
There are many people who can write, do photo shop and designs out there. You just need to look via social media. It seems a little risky too but with proper coordination, people skills, trust and honesty, you will be able to find someone who writes better than you, has better designs waiting to come out, has better social media skills – all to make your blog grow and simultaneously, getting paid by working for you. It works both ways.
Gone are the days when you do everything for your blog. While your virtual assistant / assistants are doing their part, you can move on to better perspective to make your blog the next big thing on the internet.
9. Be fit and healthy.
While you are trying to make your blog grow and glow, you need not neglect your body for this. Sitting long hours and facing the laptop is not always good for your health. You need to stretch in between and really make an effort to take long walks – the best form of exercise they, say, just to refresh your mind and stretch those hands and legs.
10. Expect internet security threats.
Like other things in life, the internet is full of security problems too. Unavoidable reasons that may delete part of your blog, or worst, the whole of it. To avoid this, always have back ups – on and offline. Investing in hard disks helps solve the problem. Choose a good security plug in as well. Be updated about what’s happening on the web.
As they say, the hardest part of starting something is always the first step. But as you move along, you will find that every bit of sacrifice is worth it.

A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Peace and love to you.