“Beyond the Physical”
Seminars are prerequisites in any wedding. Certificates of attendance are among the documents na kailangan when applying for your wedding licenses. These seminars include Pre-Cana, family planning and responsible parenthood. These pre-marriage counseling are usually done in the church, by the DSWD or in the city health office.
If you chose a church wedding, you need to attend a Pre-Cana seminar. Prior to wedding plans, people don’t have much idea of what this is all about. Though, naririnig ninyo na siguro dati. There is a big chance that you don’t know what to expect from this seminar.
PRE-CANA is an immediate preparation for those who want to get married.
It is usually done weeks before the ceremony and is named after the place where Jesus performed his first miracle. It aims to check the couple’s emotional and mental readiness regarding marriage.
Dahil sa kasal hindi lang venue or the food ang inihahanda. But most importantly ang mga sarili. It is a time to reflect and to have a reality check regarding some issues or factors that couples are dealing with, will deal with or have to deal with.
Here are some of things to anticipate during a Pre-Cana Seminar:
- You’ll fill out some questionnaires regarding family, religion, money matters and about your soon to be in – laws etc. You’ll be asked to answer questions with full honesty.
- Aside from answering a sheet of paper, you’ll be asked to answer some questions by the facilitator. A married couple who is active sa church ang possible facilitator. You may be surprised at times on how your partner will answer. Exciting? Definitely yes. You can learn more about your partner. Since you’re about to get married, iniisip mo na kilalang kilala mo na ang partner mo. Pero through the seminar you can discover more.
- The seminar primarily is performed in order to tackle communication between couples, their view of marriage, why they commit to enter matrimony and procreation topics. These discussions come with points on strengthening your faith. Moreover, how you can grow spiritually as a couple.
Pre – Cana is not like other random seminars that you attended before. But it is considered a religious one. It imparts you with knowledge on how to deal with your marriage life. This knowledge is based and anchored to the teachings of the church.
You’ll have mixed emotions while doing the seminar. Don’t view them as negatives. But rather feelings that can help you out to lessen arguments and build understanding between you and your future husband.
In a Pre – Cana, family planning and their health issues can also be discussed. The speaker can be a doctor or anyone authorized and knowledgeable about the topic. For those couples who are to be married in a civil ceremony, seminars can be attended in the city health office/municipal office of your residence. Just inquire about the schedule.
Some parishes recognize and accept other pre-wedding seminars. These seminars are done outside the parish. Often these seminars cost some extra amount for the couple.
Schedule Seminars Part 1
2023 Your Practical Wedding Guide
Wedding Fairs
Beware Of Pandemic Protocols
Apply for Wedding License
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A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Peace and love to you.