Prell Callao Casillo: Journey to Success in the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) 2023 Interview

April 2023 Special Professional Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers Board Passer: An Interview with Prell Callao Casillo

Here’s an up close and personal interview with Prell Callao Casillo:

How do you feel about receiving the news that you passed the board exam?

She expresses immense happiness.

What is your job here in Kuwait? How long have you been OFW?

She works as a domestic helper and has been an Overseas Filipino Worker for an unspecified duration.

Who do you attribute your success to?

She attributes her success to her family.

Who has inspired you to take up SPLE?

Her inspiration to take the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) comes from her family.

What were the reactions of your family to this board’s passing?

Her family responded with joy.

To what extent was TSOK helpful in your success story?

TSOK has been very helpful, allowing her to build strong relationships despite being unable to attend events in person. She appreciates the support, even if she could only participate through uploaded photos.

What is your plan for the future or your dream after passing this exam?

Her dream is to return to the Philippines.

Is this your first licensure exam? Do you plan on taking other exams, and what would it be?

Yes, it is her first licensure exam. There is no mention of plans to take additional exams.

What message would you like to give to the upcoming board exam taker?

Her advice is to do their part as examinees and let God handle the rest.

How did you know about the SPLE?

She learned about the SPLE through Facebook.

When did you decide to apply: after graduation or after finding a job? Why?

I can say that after finding a job, I tried various office jobs in the Philippines, but the income was still not enough to sustain my family.

What did you expect from the SPLE regarding the content of the exam? How different is it from college entrance exams?

It’s so much different from all the other exams because your license depends on it, and it’s also the best gift you can give to your family, especially to your parents.

What questions were easy to answer (e.g., solving, logical reasoning, abstract reasoning)?

She found abstract questions to be easier.

Did you attend a review center? Which review center? (a.) If yes, how did it affect your preparation for the SPLE? (b.) If not, how did you prepare for the exam in terms of resources and review materials?  

Yes, I attended a review center. It really affected the preparation for the SPLE because some of the items that came out were covered in the review.

How many of the things you reviewed appeared in the exam?

Most of the items from her General Education review appeared in the exam.

How many weeks or months did you prepare for the exam?

She prepared for 2-3 months.

How much did preparing for the exam cost you? Is it worth it?

Preparing for the exam was considered worth it, but there is no mention of the specific cost.

Do you have a daily study routine? (a.) If yes, what is your daily routine, especially the specific time you study? (b.) If not, how did you manage your time, especially for reviewing?  

I don’t have a daily study routine; I only focus on it when I have free time. Sometimes, I get interrupted because my employer or someone I’m taking care of calls me.

How did you balance your work and review? How did you manage your time?

Time management. During rest hours, I focused on my review.

How did the SPLE affect your time with family and work?

It really affects, especially when during your rest time at work, you should be spending it with your family, but everything changes when you have the SPLE, as you need to focus all your attention on your review.

Did you have any strategies in studying for the exam that helped you understand your notes better?

She used mnemonics to aid in better understanding her notes.

What difficulties did you face in preparing for the exam?

It’s really tough to review when you have to go through new curriculums. However, if you’re really focused, you can eventually catch up with the new lessons.

How stressed were you in preparing for the exam? How did you manage your stress?

It’s really stressful, especially when the exam coincides with the middle of Ramadan, and it’s hard to focus on the review. Sometimes, I take a break from the stress and close the reviewer for the entire night.

Have you procrastinated on your review? How did you manage procrastination? How did you motivate yourself?

Yes, especially when I’m very tired from work because as a Domestic Helper, it’s not easy to juggle between reviewing and doing household chores. Sometimes, after finishing work in the late hours of the night, I’m so exhausted that I unknowingly fall asleep while sitting.

I motivate myself in my review because of my family; they are the reason why I really pushed myself to pass this SPLE. They believe in me, and that’s why I believe I can do it!

How important is preparing for the SPLE (or other exams)? Can you say that you are well prepared? How so?

Yes, I can say that I am well-prepared because in my last 8 exams, I only did self-review. But this time, I enrolled online, so there’s a bit more knowledge in my mind. 😂

How did you act during the exam? What were your thoughts during the exam?

She felt a bit nervous during the exam.

Where did you gain the strength that helped you pass the exam?

From my family, because they believe that I can do it. Because they are the ones who truly encourage me to retake the exam.

Did you search for and use guides and tips in your preparation? How effective were they?

Yes, she researched shading techniques, finding the information effective.

How did passing the exam benefit you in terms of your work, your life, your family, and yourself?

Passing the exam benefits me in terms of my work. For now, there are no benefits in my current job because I am a domestic helper, and no matter what happens, your employers still see you as one.

In my life, it’s a huge benefit because I can finally return home with the license I’ve been dreaming of for so long.

In my family, it means even more to them because everything I do in my life right now is for them. 😥

And lastly, for myself, it’s a significant benefit because I’ve shown the people who believe in me that I can change my status as a domestic helper abroad.

This interview provides a detailed account of Prell Callao Casillo’s journey to passing the board exam, offering insights into the challenges and motivations that led to her success.

Here’s the full list of passers:




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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor