Category Archives: OFW

Discover the Heartfelt Journey of Diary ni Gracia YouTube: A Beacon of Hope and Inspiration for OFWs

Discover the Heartfelt Journey of Diary ni Gracia: A Beacon of Hope and Inspiration for OFWs

Discover Diary ni Gracia, a YouTube channel dedicated to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Explore real-life OFW experiences, financial investment tips, career development advice, and motivational content to inspire and support you.

Beach Cleanup: The Fraternal Order of Eagles’ Kuwait Sandiwa and Sandugo Familia Join Forces for a Cleaner Environment

Operation Cleanup in Kuwait

The Fraternal Order of Eagles (Philippine Eagles), renowned as the first Philippine-born socio-civic fraternal organization, lives by the motto “Service…

Looking Ahead: Planning OFW Reintegration and Development

Looking Ahead: Planning OFW Reintegration and Development

“Looking Ahead: Planning OFW Reintegration and Development” book addresses the critical need for a comprehensive guide to help Overseas Filipino…

Filipino Professionals in Kuwait: Empowering OFW Professional Growth

Filipino Professionals in Kuwait: Empowering Professional Growth

Since its establishment in 2016, Filipino Professionals in Kuwait has evolved into a vital institution for Filipino professionals striving for…

Global Movers Express: Trustworthy Cargo Services for OFWs in Kuwait

Global Movers Express Cover

Discover reliable cargo services with Global Movers Express—your trusted partner for shipping Balikbayan boxes from Kuwait to the Philippines.

Top 8 Must-Know Laws in Kuwait for Filipinos

Top 10 laws in Kuwait for OFWs

Kuwait is home to a significant number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who contribute to its diverse workforce. Understanding the…

10 Vital and Empowering Tips for First-Timers Working Abroad

First-timer OFWs Working Abroad

First Time Starting as an OFW Working Abroad Venturing abroad for the first time as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)…