The Vision, Mission, and Core Values of TSOK



Vision Mission




Vision, mission, and core values serve as the guiding principles that shape the identity and direction of an organization. They provide a clear purpose, defining its aspirations, goals, and fundamental beliefs. A well-defined vision inspires and motivates stakeholders, rallying them towards a common objective and fostering unity and alignment within the organization.


A mission statement outlines the organization’s objectives and strategies, guiding decision-making and ensuring that efforts are focused on achieving meaningful outcomes.

  • The Teacher Specialist Organization exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members.
  • To form a representative body capable of developing group opinion on professional matters
  • To provide a means of representation for its diverse membership;
  • To assist and help its non-board members in documentation and preparation for the PRC-SPLE program and to foster good fellowship among members.


A well-defined vision inspires and motivates members, rallying them toward a common objective and fostering unity and alignment within the organization.

  • To unify all our members around our mission statement.
  • To encourage all our members to participate actively in the organisation’s functions.
  • To encourage members to assist the organization in voicing their views concerning education concerns.
  • To ensure that the organization has the full trust of its members when representing the unit.
  • To make our organization visible and have a solid representation of the Filipino community in Kuwait.
  • To ensure that Filipino teachers will pursue teaching careers in the Philippines with the help of the government’s SPIMS program after passing the licensure examination here in Kuwait.

Core Values

Four guiding principles serve as the foundation of our organization: kindness, respect, equity, and professionalism; truthfulness with love and compassion; service to fellow OFWs; optimism with pride and integrity. These values drive our commitment to transparent and empathetic communication, going above and beyond to serve OFWs, facing challenges with resilience and integrity, and treating everyone with dignity and fairness. Together, they shape our mission to empower and uplift the lives of OFWs with compassion and dedication.

Trustworthiness with love and compassion

SERVICE to fellow OFWs

OPTIMISTIC with pride and integrity

KINDNESS, respect, equity, and professionalism


Check out the official FB page of the organization here



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Teachers Specialists Organization Kuwait TSOK – Leadership and Legacy. Celebrating 35 New Teachers: A Heartfelt Congratulations!

Ma. Sherylin Cudiamat-Ardios: Journey to Success in the Special Board Passers Interview

Anna R. Carillo: Journey to Success in the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) 2023 Interview

Sharipa Jamad Aksa: Journey to Success in the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) 2023 Interview


Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor