Me and my Diary Contest!
In celebration of ”My Serendipitous Day”
a. Describe your Diary/Planner.
my planner is my ever-beloved Belle de jour 2011 power planner. I longed for this planner. I got star-struck when I saw this. luckily, last Dec.2010, I joined a contest and olah! my prize was this gorgeous planner. I love my planner so much. It has Belle de jour checklist, menstrual tracker, Belle de jour coupons discounts, cash flow tracker, habit tracker, inspirational quotes, health checklist, vacation planner, monthly tips, Belle de jour essentials forget-me-not notebook, and Belle de jour lifestyle card. Do you see? all in one and it’s worth it:)
description: my chic belle de jour 2011 power planner. I am belle de jour! belle de jour is 1. a French fashion lingo for “it girl” and 2. the modern-day renaissance woman who dares to achieve her goals, lives her dream life, and makes a difference in her community while doing everything in great style. it describes my personality as feminine, colorful, informative, and useful.
b. What is your Ideal design for your diary/planner?
my ideal design for my planner is something feminine, girly, and chic because it describes me. another is full of inspirational quotes because I love to read. all in one planner because I am a practical person when it comes to buying something, it would contain more visuals and be colorful too because it is attractive to my eyes and it should be worth the price.
c. How does your Diary/Planner help you?
my planner helps me a lot. it serves as an activity log for me so I can track down my activities, prioritize the important ones, and eliminate time-wasting activities. I was motivated in my house, social, and school activities. I could track down my goals, vision, and someday wishes and dare to do it. I was able to picture the dreams of my life using the dream board. I was able to plan for the Christmas gift list and special events tracker. I was able to go out of my comfort zone and do the things which I thought I couldn’t do with the help of bdj checklist. I was able to track my menstruation and indicate if it was a light or heavy menstruation. I was able to avail monthly health checklist at school and then write the results in my planner. I was able to plan my vacation destination and expenses. I was able to gain more confidence because of the monthly tips and the quotes motivated and inspired me. I was able to write letters to my mom, and dad, my loved ones, my future children, and my husband because of the forget-me-not notebooks. it’s convenient also because it has calling cards. I was able to track down my bills and expenses and also my cash flows. I was able to jot down so that I could not forget my community activities such as urban legacy group home build and Gawad Kalinga and my cause- tree planting, river cruising, going to dump-site and anywhere to help the less fortunate people.
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A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
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