Expat kids’ charm to Kuwaitis

Her name is Raxelle, daughter of another friend of mine. She is charming too!
Her name is Raxelle, daughter of another friend of mine. She is charming too!

A friend of mine recently renewed his wife’s visa and shared a charming story with me. He first came here in Kuwait as an OFW. On his second year he was able to take his wife and soon built their small family. Their son turns 2 this coming June.

In early December of last year, they went home to the Philippines for a month long vacation. Last week, he started the preparation for his wife’s visa process. On the day they were meet with a Madame Kuwaiti at the Immigration, my friend made sure to bring his wife and son too. The charm of his son worked one time and he is hopeful it will work again this time.

My friend recalled that when his son was still an infant, his wife honestly forgot that her visa was soon expiring. Upon checking, the wife’s visa has been expired for a week already! His office mate told my friend that it is best if he takes with him his wife and their infant son to the Immigration. They were told to meet a Sir Kuwaiti.

True to his office mate’s judgment that expat kids are well-liked by Kuwaitis, the visa was issued easily with no further questions. But last week, this was what happened. The Immigration Officer is a Madame Kuwaiti and when my friend was asked to show his documents, he carried his son to the counter. Unfortunately, his son was having tantrums – my friend was anxious, he said.

My friend was explaining in English but the Madame Kuwaiti was speaking in Arabic, was irritable and had less patience. When my friend’s son was crying, the Madame Kuwaiti turned around, took some chocolates sitting by the table and handed a handful to the baby! The baby, upon seeing the chocolates, stopped crying and smiled even if he still had tears in his eyes.

The Madame Kuwaiti laughed gently, did a bit of visa processing then after a few minutes she told my friend “Kalas” – finished. So happy were my friend and his wife and could not thank the Madame enough and they left.

However, after a few minutes, the Madame was calling for them…and in her hand was bottled water and said “It’s for him”.



Year 2020: A Gratitude Note

2021: 5 Life Lessons We Can Get From Hidlyn Diaz

Travel Guidelines and Procedures for Returning OFWs from Kuwait to Philippines | Diary ni Gracia

A Friendly Guide for Philippine Red Cross e-CIF – DiaryNiGracia



Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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