Diary ni Gracia’s Year 2016, in summary

Tagaytay City
Tagaytay. The most serene place that has helped me meditate and heal after Nanay's loss.
Tagaytay. The most serene place that has helped me meditate and heal after Nanay’s demise.


The first half of the year, from January to June has been a series of Filipino Community events participation and attendance to different organizations, whose officers and members held team building activities and noteworthy causes like gift giving and feeding programs to distressed OFWs at Philippine Embassy’s Hateen Shelter.

In early July, I came home to the Philippines after almost a  decade years of being an OFW in Kuwait. This was a bittersweet experience for me. Barely a week after I arrived and took care of my beloved Nanay, she was called to Heaven by our Almighty Father.

It was difficult to accept at first, but realizing that Nanay had finally been relieved from all the pain of dialysis for the last 4 years, I lifted all my sadness to our Almighty Father.

I thank everyone who offered prayers, sent condolences, all hwo have assisted me and my family during our bereavement. May God bless all of you more.

Knowing that life has to go on no matter how said I was, my walk through here in the Philippines is spontaneous as I allowed nature to take its rightful course…

Finding work and continuing additional education, all the seminars, enhancement courses from different motivational speakers and career experts have broaden my understanding of things and career paths that were a bit unclear to me before.

It felt great to meet Philippine-based influential bloggers who helped affirm my stand on blogging and advocacy, wherever my enhanced career path will lead me.

My siblings and I will forever miss Nanay but we compensate our loss by finding ways to bond together even if all of us have different daily activities.

Although I am presently staying in Manila, I still try to be of assistance to OFWs and others who send me inbox messages via social media. I may be walking through a different career path now, but my advocacy for OFWs continues.

And lastly, I was given the gift of love from a gentleman. We call our journey together “Road 30”.

I’ve been an OFW for several years and the achievements it was presented, I was invited to give an inspiration talk on an OFW and Small – Medium Enterprises Business Christmas Expo at the SM Mega Trade Hall, shortly before Christmas. It was an opportunity for me to guide and be of assistance to those who want to start an investment and business after being an OFW or even while there at it.

Truly, God knows what is best for all of us. (photo credit to owner)
Truly, God knows what is best for all of us. (photo credit to owner)


Recently, I graduated as Registered Financial Planner, became a Licensed Bottom Fish Trader and a Certified Financial Advisor . All of these lead to my new career path as an Investment Specialist.

In summary, this is Diary ni Gracia the past year. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for accompanying Diary ni Gracia for the year 2016. Happy New Year ! God bless us all.




Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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