Other Wedding Needs
“Tiny but Essential Ones“
Now you are nearing the big day! Your gown was chosen along with the other stuff you need. It’s now the chance to check on smaller items you need. These are smaller in size but not in terms of importance. That’s why we should call them “the tiny but essential ones”.
I am pertaining sa mga bagay na kailangan during the wedding ceremony. In a traditional wedding set up, these can be something borrowed,new, blue or something old. But you can always modify it and it’s your choice whether to follow such traditions.
Kung walang luma at walang pwede mahiram, because you’re the first to marry in years sa family mo, better to purchase your own.
See the checklist below of these much needed items. If you forget to carry them papuntang simbahan o saan mang venue mo, chances are it will be a major delay.
Wedding Rings
These symbolize your unity as a couple and also a reminder of your commitment and eternal love for each other. Prices of wedding rings vary. These prices relay on the style and where you’ll purchase the rings.
The Wedding Ring Pillow
The one on which the rings will be placed. The ring bearer holds it as he walks towards the aisle.
The Unity Candles
They are very symbolic items, telling everyone the presence of Jesus in the couple’s life. He serves as the light in every journey you are about to take. It shall remind you that in marriage you are united with God.
The Bridal Veil
There are plenty of symbols provided for the bridal veil. One, it symbolizes the bride’s purity and modesty along with her reverence to God. Another is that it reminds us of the temple veil. The veil that was torn in two when Jesus died on the cross.
Flower Girl Baskets/ Flowers, Bridal Bouquet
Flowers are more than pretty decorations for your big day. Be mindful of choosing a particular flower. They all tell a story. You may also find the meanings of flowers before you use them.
Ring Box
In which the rings are secured, before transferring to the pillow for the procession.
Matches/ Lighter
Don’t leave them behind. Something to make the candles burn and give light, you would not want candles without lights.
Cord/ Rope
This is another part of the wedding ceremony. The rope is placed on the shoulders of the bride and groom. It also symbolizes unity among the couple.
Bring Along Your Wedding License
The document that permits your marriage should always come in handy.
The Holy Bible
It speaks of the couple’s promise to live by God’s Teachings.
Wedding Coins
It is commonly known as “Arras” in Filipino. It is among the influences of Hispanic Tradition and originated from the tradition of giving “arrabon“ by the Greeks which means “PLEDGE”.
The giving of wedding coins is done after exchanging rings. It signifies the groom’s dedication and commitment in providing material needs for their home and for the family they are about to build.
In the modern day set- up, the giving and receiving of arras signifies both the ability and desire of the couples in providing material needs for their family. Hindi na lang ang groom ang provider. Often both the groom and the bride will work hand in hand to give the material needs of their future family.
Remember: “These tiny but essential ones may differ depending on which religion you belong or where the ceremony will take place.”
2023 Your Practical Wedding Guide
Budgeting Your Dream Wedding Day
Wedding Church Venue
Create Your Wedding Journal
Wedding Priorities
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A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Peace and love to you.