Category Archives: Education

Practical Lessons for Young People

Travel is one of life’s gifts which you must try to do at least once in your life. You can learn that the world is both small and big and it is up to you how to appreciate these contrasting facts. Learn the value of simplicity and before you know it, you will be surprised…

Free language learning via 5 areas

  For those who wish to learn a new language aside from their native tongue, there are various online websites, applications, e-books and online study communities. But we must not fail to remember that studying a new language does not only have one pattern for the learner to absorb the techniques. What works for learner…

School Is Fun

I believe, one of the reasons why many of our fellow kabayan work as an OFW is to provide a better education for their children, which is a good thing since we all know that one of the most precious things we can give our children is education. Education is essential to every single individual,…

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