Category Archives: OFW

Me and My Diary Contest Entries 2011

Me and my Diary Contest! In celebration of ”My Serendipitous Day” Entries are as follows; Entry #1 Entry #2 Entry #3 Entry #4 Entry #5 Entry #6 Entry #7 Entry#8 Entry #9 Entry #10 Entry #11 Entry #12 Entry #13 You can also vote for your favorite ♥entries and give comments with a plus to…

A Call From Heaven

A message from heaven. Countless moments in our lives may have changed everything for us. Calamities and accidents are several negative things that we can’t escape from. 112, being the emergency line here in Kuwait, we always thought that we could always be safe, we are confident that the people we call in 112 will…

School Is Fun

I believe, one of the reasons why many of our fellow kabayan work as an OFW is to provide a better education for their children, which is a good thing since we all know that one of the most precious things we can give our children is education. Education is essential to every single individual,…

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