Ma. Sherylin Cudiamat-Ardios: Journey to Success in the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) 2023 Interview


April 2023 Special Professional Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers Board Passer: An Interview with Ma. Sherilin Cudiamat-Ardios
April 2023 Special Professional Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers Board Passer: An Interview with Ma. Sherilin Cudiamat-Ardios

This interview features a Teachers-Specialists Organization Kuwait (TSOK) board passer, Ma. Sherylin Cudiamat-Ardios shares her experience and journey to passing the board exam in 2023.

Here’s an up close and personal interview with Ms. Sherylin Ardios:

How do you feel about receiving the news that you passed the board exam?

Ma. Sherylin expresses feeling blessed upon seeing her name on the list of passers. This achievement holds great significance for her.

Have you received such recognition before?

She mentions that this is her first recognition and success in passing a licensure exam.

What is your job here in Kuwait? How long have you been OFW?

Ma. Sherylin works as a school helper in Kuwait and has been an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) for 7 months at the time of the interview.

Who do you attribute your success to?

She credits her family, especially her son, for motivating her to succeed. Despite being homesick, she pushed through with the goal of returning to the Philippines after passing the board exam.

Who has inspired you to take up SPLE?

Her family, particularly her son, inspired her to take the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE).

What were the reactions of your family to this board’s passing?

Her family was overjoyed and saw her success as an answered prayer. Her mother was particularly emotional, knowing the sacrifices Ma. Sherylin made it in pursuit of her goal.

To what extent was TSOK helpful in your success story?

Ma. Sherylin emphasizes that being part of the TSOK organization was instrumental in her success. It enabled her to take the exam she had been waiting for, which she considers a lifetime blessing.

What is your plan for the future or your dream after passing this exam?

Her plan after passing the exam is to apply to the Department of Education (DepEd) to share her knowledge and teaching strategies with fellow Filipinos.

Is this your first licensure exam? Do you plan on taking other exams, and what would it be?

This was not her first licensure exam; she had previously attempted exams in the Philippines but was unsuccessful.

What message would you like to give to the upcoming board exam taker?

Ma. Sherylin advises future exam takers to pray, hope, and trust themselves. She encourages them to create a daily routine for studying, stay focused, and believe in their ability to succeed.

How did you know about the SPLE?

She learned about SPLE through a roommate in Kuwait and subsequently joined TSOK via Facebook. Mr. Honesto Doctolero and Mrs. Nova Fructuoso from TSOK provided guidance on how to apply for the exam.

When did you decide to apply: after graduation or after finding a job? Why?

Ma. Sherylin’s decision to apply for SPLE came after her graduation and while seeking work abroad. Her parents initially discouraged her from working abroad, but eventually, her husband allowed her to pursue her career abroad.

What did you expect from the SPLE regarding the content of the exam? How different is it from college entrance exams?

She expected the SPLE to be more challenging than college entrance exams and prepared accordingly.

What questions were easy to answer (e.g., solving, logical reasoning, abstract reasoning)?

Logical reasoning, especially in professional education, were the question types she found easier to answer due to her teaching experience.

Did you attend a review center? Which review center?

She enrolled in the Carl Balita Review Center (CBRC), which provided her with confidence and a method (the CARL method) for answering questions.

How many of the things you reviewed appeared in the exam?

Most of the topics she reviewed appeared in the exam, and she also searched for unfamiliar terms online.

How many weeks or months did you prepare for the exam?

Ma. Sherylin prepared for almost four months, dedicating significant time to her studies.

How much did preparing for the exam cost you? Is it worth it?

She estimates that her preparation cost around 80 Kuwaiti Dinar (KD), but she didn’t mind the expense as it would lead to better opportunities.

Do you have a daily study routine?

She followed a rigorous routine, waking up at 4 AM for review before work and dedicating time to studying after work.

How did you balance your work and review? How did you manage your time?

Her key to balancing work and review was creating a strict schedule and prioritizing the upcoming board exam.

How did the SPLE affect your time with family and work?

Preparing for the exam reduced her interaction with family, but she believed it was worth it for her future.

Did you have any strategies in studying for the exam that helped you understand your notes better?

Ma. Sherylin used a method of jotting down important information with different colored pens, which helped her remember key points.

What difficulties did you face in preparing for the exam?

Mathematics was a challenge, and she memorized formulas for the exam. She created practice questions to improve her understanding.

How stressed were you in preparing for the exam? How did you manage your stress?

She stayed focused and prayed when stress became overwhelming.

Have you procrastinated on your review? How did you manage procrastination?

Ma. Sherylin did not procrastinate during her review.

How important is preparing for the SPLE (or other exams?)

She emphasizes the importance of creating a study schedule, allocating ample time for review, and remaining committed to achieving one’s goals.

How did you act during the exam? What were your thoughts during the exam?

She maintained a calm and relaxed demeanor during the exam, focusing on answering questions accurately within the time limit.

Where did you gain the strength that helped you pass the exam?

Her inspiration, her family, especially her son, provided her with the strength to persevere.

Did you search for and use guides and tips in your preparation? How effective were they?

She found guides and tips provided by her review center to be very effective in her preparation.

How did passing the exam benefit you in terms of (a.) your work, (b.) your life, (c.) your family, and (d.) yourself?

Passing the exam opened up career opportunities, financial stability, and the chance to share her teaching knowledge with others.

This interview provides detailed information about Ma. Sherylin Cudiamat-Ardios’ journey to passing the board exam offers insights into the challenges and motivations that led to her success.

Here’s the full list of passers:




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Credits: Acknowledging TSOK’s Pioneering Advocacy, Credibility and Empowerment

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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor