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Reasons For Writing GFB OFW Book – Diary Ni Gracia

Reasons for writing GFB OFW Book

Global Filipino Bloggers Slam book-OFW Edition, my first book to be published.
Global Filipino Bloggers Slam book-OFW Edition, my first book to be published.

Writing has always been my innate inclination since my high school days and being an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) gave me the chance to join forum since 2010. A year after, I was able to have my own website – more of an online journal of my expat life.

I wanted to explore more about blogging, thus, I sought Mr. Pamatay Homesick here in Kuwait. Although a very busy person, he still found the time to meet and was very accommodating with my questions. His answers were my first lessons in blogging. Upon his advice, I started to join community groups, which became my online school.

Learning about content writing, originality, hosting, design and how to earn blog merits among others, broadened my curiosity about the field I wanted to be a part of – social media. With Diary ni Gracia, I incorporated the bloggers slam book, almost similar to the high school slam book which my classmates answered one after the other.

The questions for blogger participants and their answers were not only informative but comprised the idea of my first book about blogging and the positive things it can do to a person. Preparing the book was not an easy ride but I persevered and I was determined to finish it – all with Divine Guidance.

After yesterday’s book launching and signing together with the Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK), this is my salute to all Global Filipino Bloggers.


Year 2020: A Gratitude Note

The Covid-19 Guidebook Second Edition has Finally Launched!

Ang Natatanging Aklat ni Bebang

Thank You, Sir Ricky Laxa

Hopeful Project: Free Books about Blogging


Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

12 thoughts on “Reasons for writing GFB OFW Book

  1. Anne V says:

    I want a copy of your book so bad! I’m still quite new to blogging and haven’t been really serious about it until a couple of months ago and your book will help me a lot!

  2. Chef Jay says:

    It’s great that you were able to get the inspiration needed to take what you learned from blogging and develop it into the GFB ofw book! Congratulations and I’m really hoping that it becomes a huge success!

  3. Liz says:

    Congrats on the book! 🙂 I’ve always wanted to write my own book too – just haven’t gotten around to finishing it! haha

  4. Ma. Clarice Lao says:

    Congratulations on the book. I am keen to read that book and find out about your journey towards being one of the best bloggers.

    Clarice /

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