Category Archives: Events to remember

Thank You, Sir Ricky Laxa

Sir Ricky Laxa is GMA Network’s Kuwait News Correspondent. A well versed person in media, he delivers and writes news…

PSME Kuwait elects Officers for 2016

Egaila Beach, Kuwait; September 18th. The Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers Kuwait Chapter (PSME Kuwait) held their multi – gathering…

Thank you, Ms. Caba

One of the nicest people at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait is Ms. Antonia Girlie Caba. A dedicated woman who…

A lot more to learn from Sir

Kuwait has given me different learning experiences from diverse people and all of those help me grow each day. Patience,…

Vice Consul Shiena Tesorero shares her time with us

I have always admired women who handle important positions in the community and yet, they still manage to show concern…

Thank You to Labor Attache Chavez

Sir Labatt, the message you gave us for The Global Filipino Bloggers Slam book – OFW Edition added strength to…