You are learning how to network benefits your professional life and your one. Not only do the best networkers have incredible businesses and jobs, but they also have incredible connections and are frequently first in line for new chances. I will give you detailed advice on networking so you can get better at it.
It would be best if you committed to completing one of the daily tasks by printing this out. Read on if you want to discover how to network effectively using tried-and-true methods that produce results.
Mins to Read: 15 – 20 minutes
Age Bracket: 20-40
The value of your “mind” cannot be underestimated in the business world. Your thinking, not the money, runs the business; don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. But don’t most of us desire to make some money? Yes, sometimes the company runs out of money, leading to the ground but do not believe that money is the driving force behind anything under the sun. YOU are!
What is Networking with People, and Why is it Beneficial?
Networking is more than simply exchanging information with another individual. It entails developing ties with individuals who will frequently become your friends and professional network as you progress through your career. In many respects, they may assist you in advancing your career, just as you may be able to do the same for them. A networking relationship could lead to any of the following:
- Insider knowledge about what is happening in your sector of interest, such as a company’s plan to expand operations or produce a new product.
- Your field-specific job search advice, such as where opportunities are generally posted.
- Advice regarding your job search tools (resume and portfolio).
- Contact information for potential employment or informative interviews.
- Interview follow-up and possibly job offers.
Building a network is simple since you know more people than you believe. Consider:
- Relationships with family, friends, housemates, and significant others
- Faculty and staff, fellow students, and graduates of the institution
- Former and current coworkers
- neighbors
- Members of clubs, organizations, and associations
- People at the fitness center, coffee shop, and grocery store.
- Individuals from your religious community
And if you’re concerned that you’re too much of an introvert to connect with others quickly to expand your professional opportunities? There are numerous methods of communication that suit your personality. Gain knowledge about Networking Tips for Introverts.
Networking is the process of establishing genuine relationships with people. It is typically viewed in a professional context, yet it is no longer confined to the professional realm. Indeed, we consider many friends to be part of our network. You’ve probably heard “your network is your net worth” before. It may appear a cliche, yet it has endured for a reason! It is a fact. Relationships are the driving force behind many success stories you’ve read and experienced in your own life: the successful businessperson, the employee who consistently receives promotions, etc.
Whom Should You Network With?
Before implementing specific techniques, we must determine with whom we should network. You will waste much time without achieving the desired goals if you are not particular with your energy and efforts. This is where I observe folks making a major error.
Instead of being intentional, most individuals do what they’re instructed. “Go to a career fair,” “attend a Meetup,” and “here’s a networking event!”. The problem with these types of events is that they are filled with individuals seeking the same thing, but none of the individuals can fulfill that need. For instance, networking mixers are generally packed with job seekers, but you won’t find many hiring managers.
You also leave a great deal to chance. You’re simply hoping that someone who can influence your aims will be in one of these locations and that you’ll meet them by chance. Sadly, hope is not an effective networking tactic. Instead of shaking as many hands and handing out as many business cards as possible, we want to zero in on the handful of people who can truly impact our careers and lives. These individuals can directly impact our wants and needs.
If you want to work as a software engineer at Google, you should seek out individuals who oversee software engineer teams at Google. If you desire a promotion to X and Y levels, you must locate the person in charge of promoting employees. If you wish to be featured in a prominent journal such as Forbes or Business Insider, you must locate the individuals with authority to approve publishing your interview.
This strategy prioritizes quality above quantity, which may be intimidating at first. This is how it can feel to put all of one’s eggs in a smaller basket. But when we concentrate our efforts on a few individuals who may have a significant impact, we begin to see results.
To summarize:
- Leaders: Contacts who can give you direct leads or direct work or connect you to others who can. This may include recruiting managers, procurement workers, clients, customers, and agents with whom you can interact and sell.
- Sources of information: contacts who can provide important insight on relevant firms, industries, trends, and individuals. As you position yourself for a new job or promotion, for instance, a person with an in-depth understanding of marketing can be helpful.
- Cheerleaders: Individuals who will provide testimonials, recommendations, and vouch for you. These contacts will provide you with encouragement and assistance. This could be a friend from your past or a coworker at your current workplace who is positive and enthusiastic during stressful situations.
Establish your network
As you describe and arrange your network, begin by compiling a list of the people you already know. Consider high school, college, and graduate school alums, current and former coworkers, and persons you met at events, activities, and events for whom you have contact details (business phone number, email). Enter their names into an Excel or Outlook database to manage and refer to them.
Then, record your meetings, phone conversations, emailed notes, and other methods of network engagement. Please make sure that nobody is ignored. If you haven’t communicated with someone in a while, send them a note with an update on your job and a greeting. If you meet a new person, add them to your database and start keeping them in mind when you see an item that might be interesting to them.
Maintaining your Network
As you create and expand your network of contacts, keep in mind that everyone you meet has the potential to join it in one of the numerous ways. Therefore, you will engage in a two-way conversation that must be mutually beneficial for it to succeed. Consider the work, benefit, and danger associated with each encounter.
Be sure you are mindful to:
- Display reciprocity. Always gives more in return than you receive when asking for a favor, such as an introduction, a connection on LinkedIn, or a referral (return a lead, make a valuable introduction, or at least send a handwritten note of gratitude). The balance should always be in favor of your contact.
- Become a resource. Consider strategies to assist your contacts. Send relevant news clips, books, and articles. Refer a coworker. He is considered a person who has access to people and information. These are low-cost strategies with a significant impact.
- Display your sincerity. When you are honest, others desire to know you and assist you. If you do not see the solution to a question, you should say so and then find it. Be that resourceful networking contact, but maintain your authenticity at all times. People interact with one another.
- Keep in contact. Connect in person and online (through LinkedIn, for example) and maintain contact. Even when you do not have an “ask,” let your network realize how you’re doing, what you’re working on, and what you could contribute. You might send a LinkedIn or Facebook update to let your contacts know what’s happening in your professional or personal life. Typically, people only contact us when they need anything (a job, advice, a place to stay). Be the person that remains in touch to inform your network of the positive developments in your life.
- Seek knowledge. I recommend always looking for the other person’s preferred topic when networking. When conversing with a new person, focus on themes that make them smile or laugh rather than those that cause their face to sag. Many of us enjoy discussing college-age children returning home or holiday traditions around the holidays. Questions that evoke an excellent reaction suggest that you are on the correct path.
- Respect the feelings of others. This Facebook post could hurt someone’s feelings or harm a networking relationship, despite your amusement. Similarly, do not divulge secret or proprietary information or data until you are certain it is acceptable. Reciprocity entails respecting the needs and emotions of others.
- Respect the boundaries of others. Consider the extent to which someone is willing to help you when networking. If you ask for help or an introduction and the other person is hesitant or unwilling (even if you intend to reciprocate), learn to be remarkable. Not everyone is at ease with sharing their database and reputation with others. Reciprocity entails understanding when it’s acceptable to hear “no.”
How To Remember Everyone’s Name Straight?
Remembering someone’s name can be a nightmare, especially if you’ve met them several times! I will demonstrate how never to forget a name again. Over three sessions, Emory University researchers aimed to increase individuals’ name memory and recall. Each participant was given a facial recognition exam in the initial session to identify their ability level. In the subsequent sessions, each participant was instructed in a memory technique. Some individuals increased their memory abilities by as much as 69 percent in just one month!
Here is what they discovered. Attach a visual indication to a facial or distinctive body feature. The EON-Mem (Ecologically Oriented Neurorehabilitation of Memory) program developed this memory approach. Here’s an illustration: This is Lacy, my pal. If I met her at an event, I would consider her hair to resemble an Ace with an A-shaped point. Ace = L-Ace-Y
How Do You Build Your Network?
People are social beings. We thrive by fostering one another’s growth. Almost all of your accomplishments result from the people you associate with. From exchanging information about new possibilities to playing a significant part in your personal development, your network consists of everyone you know. This is why relationship building is such an essential ability. Every individual you encounter is a treasure trove of wisdom, knowledge, and experience. As you get to know individuals, you can share their riches and use them to enrich and advance your own life.
For this reason, having a vast and diverse network is essential to success. But how can you construct one?
Choose an adjacent specialty. Consider the circles you frequent; are any of them tangential? When I initially relocated to Portland, Oregon, I joined every local entrepreneur club. I stopped building relationships because the same (excellent) people kept showing up. After all, I had already met them. I considered what circles could be similar to entrepreneurs yet distinct from them. I then tried travel groups. Entrepreneurs frequently travel since they can work digitally, and I had the opportunity to meet new entrepreneurs and other fascinating globetrotters.
Locate key renters. The first people you interact with in a group are called “anchor tenants” by Ferrazzi, and the concept is that if you earn their respect, you get instant credibility with the anchor tenants’ friends. This is not only an effective method for expanding your social network, but it also saves you time. Instead of attempting to connect with a whole group, you might focus on one or two crucial individuals and get to know the others afterward.
Leverage LinkedIn. Utilizing LinkedIn is one of the most acceptable ways to network before an event or online. Implement these 15 strategies immediately to enhance your LinkedIn profile.
Don’t Forget to Follow-Up. You may be the master of networking events you attend, but if you don’t follow up, you will fail to establish genuine relationships. People are busy, therefore if you don’t communicate with them frequently, they will forget about you. Please send a brief email within twenty-four to forty-eight hours of meeting someone new to remind them of who you are and what you discussed. This enables you to send them messages in the future by establishing a connection with them and opening a line of communication. After that, follow up at least once each quarter with acquaintances and once per month with individuals you’re attempting to develop a closer relationship with.
Here are some brief follow-up suggestions:
- Share stories that bring value and have the potential to spark a conversation.
- Best wishes for their birthday.
- Inform individuals of opportunities in which they may be interested.
In conclusion, networking is a science that requires experience. You will be rewarded with great new relationships if you take a few measured social risks.
Who should I put on my network?
Before implementing specific techniques, we must determine with whom we should network. You will waste much time without achieving the desired goals if you are not particular with your energy and efforts. This is where I observe folks making a major error. But, here are the general people you should look into:
- Leaders
- Source of Information
- Cheerleaders
How can I maintain them?
Always gives more in return than you receive when asking for a favor, such as an introduction, a connection on LinkedIn, or a referral (return a lead, make a valuable introduction, or at least send a handwritten note of gratitude). Consider the extent to which someone is willing to help you when networking. If you ask for help or an introduction and the other person is hesitant or unwilling (even if you intend to reciprocate), learn to be remarkable.
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A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Peace and love to you.