Category Archives: Expatriates

Giving up something for someone..

  There are times in our life when we have to give up something to make others happy. The process is not easy and it hurts us too. But when we try to see the broader picture of things that will affect not only our life but the life of those we love, like our…


Peace seems to be an elusive situation in life. Countries at war with one another, places divided among themselves, communities seeking first rank against each other and many other things.


Do you feel tired searching and reaching for your dream? Or if you have one dream and you focus on making it a reality despite and in spite of the struggles you face, but still, it seems not to be going the way you planned it would be, are you getting frustrated?

More than my Emcee task

A special group of women recently celebrated their First Founding Anniversary. It marked a year of giving, sharing, caring for the sick – the noble task of charity. The Ilokana Women’s Organization in Kuwait (IWOK) have taken upon themselves the mission to serve others in the best way they could. Invited to be the Emcee…

A New Book to be written

It is the New Year and as I grow older, but with more lessons learned.                                       New Year as a new beginning and never to forget my major purpose and projects that have been carried over from…

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