Category Archives: OFW Journey

Thank You to Labor Attache Chavez

Sir Labatt, the message you gave us for The Global Filipino Bloggers Slam book – OFW Edition added strength to me so I may continue my earnest inclination to social media and my advocacy for fellow Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Sample signature

In Deep Gratitude to Sir Con. Gen.

A few years prior to August 21, 2015 on our Global Filipino Bloggers Slam book – OFW Edition book launch and signing event, Consul General Atty. Raul H. Dado has been one of the father figures I am fortunate to meet here in Kuwait. Sample signature

In the presence of His Excellency

To Sir Ambassador, your Excellency, I would like to thank you for the message you wrote on The Global Filipino Bloggers Slam book – OFW Edition. It was not only to send your felicitations to us but to express the importance of reading traditional materials for the longest time, even in today’s advancement of technology…

GFB OFW Book Contributors

There were a lot of things on my mind when I started to review the bloggers slam book contributors from Diary ni Gracia and hoping for my first book to be published was at the top of my list back then. I was enthusiastic, maybe idealistic at some point. Sample signature

Reasons for writing GFB OFW Book

Writing has always been my innate inclination since my high school days and being an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) gave me the chance to join forum since 2010. A year after, I was able to have my own website – more of an online journal of my expat life. Sample signature

Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait Meeting 2015

August 8th. Overseas Filipino Workers like us have different work schedules, attend to our personal needs like house chores, but when we are part of a community, we try our best to attend meetings and gatherings. In line with their event on August 21st at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait, the Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait…

After Eid gathering

The heat of summer is synonymous to the warmth of gatherings organized by fellow Filipinos here at Messilah Beach. The  Reformed and United Guardians Brotherhood International Inc. (RUGBII) Kuwait Legion with its officers, members and their families made sure that the event was filled with happiness. It was considered an after Eid gathering. Since as…

Gathering at Messilah Beach

To celebrate Eid, many fellow Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) gathered at Messilah Beach to enjoy the event. To start with, Messilah Beach located about 20 km from Kuwait City center, is known as the most affluent neighborhood. Sample signature

Five reasons to buy The Global Filipino Bloggers Slambook OFW Edition

The Global Filipino Bloggers Slambook OFW Edition, my first book to be published is out on amazon. For friends, fellow OFW bloggers here in Kuwait, I want to share with you my five (5) reasons why you should buy this book and more: 1. To be inspired and to inspire others as well. The beautiful…

My Eid in Kuwait

Although Eid falls during the summer months here in Kuwait, each year I am blessed to receive invitations to lunch or dinner and of course, receiving gifts. Sample signature

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