20 For that Special One As we all know and as we all accept, life is unpredictable. No matter…

20 For that Special One As we all know and as we all accept, life is unpredictable. No matter…
19 Other Wedding Needs “Tiny but Essential Ones“ Now you are nearing the big day! Your gown was chosen…
18 Bride’s Beauty Companion “Your Much Needed Beauty Rest and Rejuvenation.“ “You are a beauty! No doubt about it!…
17 Choose A Wedding Gown “Your Most Valued Piece of Clothing” The time has come for you, the bride,…
16 Assign People To Help You Out “Groom + Bride x SUPPORT = A HAPPY WEDDING DAY” Do you…
15 Designing Your Invites “The Best Things in Life are Meant to be Shared” -and that includes one’s wedding- …
14 Creating A Master List “Who Should You Invite?” Indeed, a wedding is a big event. But being labeled…
13.2 THE PRE-CANA “Beyond the Physical” Seminars are prerequisites in any wedding. Certificates of attendance are among the documents…
13.1 Schedule Seminars Part 1 “Canonical Interview” This interview is done to validate the couple’s desire to marry, their…
12 Apply For Wedding Licenses “The Paper Works“ Wedding Licenses These are legal requirements for getting married. A great…